Saturday, March 15, 2014

  Each year, emergency departments treat children injured in accidents sports. Where, blue and small dents succeed broken bones and serious head and spinal cord injury , it is a sign that it is time to remind parents and children some safety when they play the outside.

  You can take several precautions to prevent your child from getting hurt. The safest for tobogganing have no trees, no fences, no rocks or iron son or other objects that may injure a slider hills. A toddler should always play under the watchful eye of a parent or an adult. Up to 12 years , children should wear a hockey helmet approved by the Canadian Standards Association ( CSA), a warm hat . It is dangerous to wear long scarves for winter sports because they increase the risk of suffocation. Always make sure the sled or sleigh your child is in good condition. And do not forget that these machines, some positions are better than others to reduce the risk of injury :

The best position is to be kneeling .
Lie on your stomach increases the risk of head injury .
Lie flat on the back increases the risk of injury to the spine.

Teach your child to:

be aware of its external environment
pay attention to the other sliders
avoid sledding down a hill that ends with a road, parking lot , river or pond
up the hill to the side, away from the toboggan run, after the descent
back when his clothes are wet and feels cold to avoid hypothermia and frostbite
It is knowing how to prevent injuries that your child will spend the winter fun.


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