Wednesday, March 12, 2014

  Jogging is more popular than ever because you can practice anywhere and quickly see the benefits. Before you get started , here are 5 mistakes to avoid for the race is a source of pleasure, not pain.

1 . The basics of driving

  According to Franck Camus, kinesiologist at Cirque du Soleil , the first mistake is to ignore the basics of training , ie escalation , specificity ( motivation) and rest. "The adage '' who wants to go steady wins the race '' is very true in the race on foot. People engage in jogging without considering their physical departure , as if they had an Olympic past behind them . Result: after 2-3 weeks, they hurt all over and no longer see the value of running because they do not observe progress . " In contrast, there are those who do not make the effort to have a minimum of results.

2 . Find the intensity / speed

  More on court faster, the intensity of effort is high . The wind and the route ( sloped or not) are also factors to consider to find its stride . Whether they run at the right intensity , the best tool is the heart rate monitor . " Beginners should run interval (note: they come back later). At the end of a race period , their maximum heart rate should not exceed 75-80 %, "says Franck Camus. People who maintain a good pace to discourage less, and those who run too fast risking injury (tendinitis , pulled muscles) , because the joints and muscles have not had time to adapt to stress. Always run on the same course also measure its progress.

3 . The choice of the equipment

  Since they do not know if they will like jogging , people do not fit adequately at the start: "This is a grave error ," says kinesiologist , also coach of the athlete longboard Nicolas Desmarais and Olympic trainer Marie- Pier Boudreau Gagnon at the Athens Olympics in 2014. The specialist recommends buying running shoes that will only serve to that. " We go into a sports shop and it is advised to choose a shoe adapted to his face . Women should absolutely wear a sports bra with braces ( metal frames are uncomfortable ), which promotes the evaporation of perspiration . "

4 . intervals

  Beginners often make the mistake of not including enough intervals in their program. Alternating periods of running with periods of walking can not burn unnecessarily. "For example, the first week, we run 2 minutes and walk 3 minutes, until it reaches 30 minutes. We do it 3 times the first week. The second week , we increase the running time and reduces the running time and so on until run 30 minutes straight. Intervals allow to perform better in the long term , "says kinesiologist .

5 . Objectives in the short, medium and long term

  Another common error is to give only short-term goals . When this is the case, people give up quickly. In the short term , or a period of 3 weeks to 2 months ( it takes at least 3 weeks before you see a difference in physiological values ??) , we wonder about what is possible for themselves and how to get in having fun . The medium-term objective is equivalent to where you want to be in a few months while the long term is to be achieved by the end of the season, " lists the kinesiologist . He concluded by saying that people need to rest a day between workouts , because it is during the recovery period that the body adapts before rising again.


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