Saturday, March 15, 2014

  Sleep disorders can occur in early childhood . In the very young child, especially observed minor or transitory , but sometimes real insomnia disorders between 5 and 12 years , the continuity of sleep will improve, but it will be disturbed by parasomnias such as night terrors , nightmares, sleepwalking, sleep talking to the rhythmic movement , enuresis .

Disorders minor or transitory

  In children, sleep disorders are often linked to specific and temporary circumstances. When the child does " not sleep " or does not sleep , the cause is most often related to a mismatch between the pace set by the parents and the child's needs . Dramatization disorders and anxiety of parents simply perpetuate the symptom. Usually 2-3 interviews with the child and both parents help to understand the rhythm and habits of the family , identify the problem if there is one, and suffice to restore a satisfactory sleep. The diagnosis will be facilitated if parents complete a sleep diary .

  These problems may be related to lifestyle (time constraints parents , environment and cultural habits, such as bed sharing with parents) , the conditions of sleep (light, presence , music, teddy bear or blanket, the presence of a parent, ... ) to an excess of ingested fluid before bedtime, with colic , or the absence of limits ( when about 2 or 3 years the child asserts its authority).

Actual insomnia in young children
These insomnia meet organic or psychological causes.

Organic causes :

- Gastro-oesophageal reflux , widespread condition that is manifested by pain or food regurgitation, which interrupt sleep cycles ;

 - Allergy to cow's milk can also cause restless sleep and a significant eczema ;
- Acute or chronic ENT , including ear disorders ;
- The sleep apnea syndrome .

Psychological causes :

- Psycho- emotional factors , in particular concerning the mother-child relationship ;
- Anxiety at bedtime, because this is the time of separation , which can be accompanied by the fear of abandonment , fear of the dark ...


  Night terrors occur between 18 months and 15 years. The child sits or lays his bed crying , he looks terrified. Reassuring words seem to have no effect. After a few minutes , everything was quiet and the child falls asleep . He does not remember anything the next morning. Parents are usually very worried , yet these evening events are commonplace at this age and of no consequence to the health of the child. They do not require treatment . The disorder usually occurs during an awakening in deep sleep , which explains the total amnesia the next day.

  Nightmares are very common in children. They occur most often at the waning of intense emotion or change in family life (moving, health problem of a parent). They are very distressing for the child, who may have difficulty falling asleep for fear of " falling " in these nightmares. We must help the child to talk to reassure and try to understand the source of his anxiety.

  Sleepwalking is observed between 3 and 10 years. It is most often translated by a stroll without gravity. In rare cases , there is a risk sleepwalking with climbing wardrobe, parapet or outputs pop out of the house. Simple safety rules ( locks on windows and doors), are generally sufficient to limit the risks . Sometimes it is necessary to use drugs , at least for short periods . This disorder usually occurs during an awakening deep sleep , which explains the total amnesia the next day.

Sleep talking is a somnambulistic minimize equivalent : it is children who speak the night.

  The rhythmic movement are movements of the head and body that occur during sleep . We'll talk about head rolling if it is the head that moves from right to left, head banging if the head hits the top of the bed, rocking body if the whole body is in motion. These movements can be violent and hurt the child .


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