Sunday, March 16, 2014

  Snoring is a common nuisance since it is estimated that over 40 % of adults over 50 snore regularly. It is more common in men average than women of the same age age at menopause but it is also common in the two sexes.

It can also occur in children .

  It can reach an intensity of 90 to 100 dB equivalent to passing a truck nearby, and have important social consequences in relations with spouse and friends.

The cause of snoring

  This is a noise which is due to the passage of air through airways constricted slightly , in the pharynx . It reflects the vibration of the soft palate and pharyngeal walls under the action of abnormally turbulent airflow . This happens especially when you are forced to breathe through your mouth when you have nose bouché.Il usually occurs on inspiration but can also be heard during a portion of expiration.

  Some people snore only in certain situations , for example when they have a stuffy nose or a deviated nasal septum . Sleeping on your back or consume alcohol before bedtime induces or aggravates snoring drinks.

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