Sunday, May 25, 2014

70th anniversary of D-Day arrives in bookstores
  Wars have never done so much ink flow : while the onslaught of books on 14-18 continues in this centenary year , it now works on the Landing , whose 70th anniversary we commemorate that pass the offensive in bookstores.

  In total , nearly 500 titles on the two world wars that have been published or will be published by August , identified the trade magazine Livres Hebdo . Must be added to those already burst out in 2013, but also comics and novels, such as the Goncourt ' Goodbye upstairs ' Pierre Lemaitre , still best sellers .
Editions Ouest-France , including anticipated event by publishing or presenting for sale in 2013 some 70 titles on June 6, 1944 and the Second World War.

  Publishers have also sharpened their approach angles, with a mix of demanding works and books wider audience. Thus, in ' Unusual Stories Landing ' ( City Publishing ) , Sleep and the Frederick Frederick Leterreux journalists tell the most captivating stories that marred preparations for the landing on D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.
It includes the history of Glen the dog English paratrooper, that of a little girl born in Utah bombs or that of a child of Saint -Laurent-sur -Mer digging graves for GI's . The book does not forget to describe the slaughter of Omaha Beach and the hell of the Battle of Normandy.
Tallandier editions published in ' One morning in Ouistreham ' unpublished writings of Guy Hattu , nephew of the writer Georges Bernanos , member of the French Commando Kieffer 177 of Free France who landed in Normandy on June 6 . The book is prefaced by the historian and former resistance fighter Jean- Louis Cremieux - Brilhac .
Journalist Jean -Marc Tanguy it collected the memories of ten veterans of the legendary battalion ' Commando Kieffer . 177 French D- Day ' , co-published by Albin Michel and the Ministry of Defence. Invaluable work of memory on the landing narrated by the only French fighters longest day , illustrated with photos of family and historical archives. Tallandier also devotes a beautiful illustrated book ' The 177 French D-Day ' of the historian Stéphane Simonnet .
- Adventure erotic ' for GI's -
The reference historian Olivier Wieviorka , History of the Normandy landings ', is published in a new illustrated edition , co-published by Le Seuil and the Ministry of Defence. New edition also for ' Words of the Day : letters and diaries Landing , Summer 1944 ', Jean -Pierre Jérôme and Guéno Pecnard published in the Arena .

  The epic infantry and Canadian officers but also the Normans, of which 20,000 were victims of the bombing , is told in ' lived Stories Landing . The morning of Canadians ' ( L'Archipel ) by Alain Stanke and Jean- Louis Morgan. Secret documents , stories of pilots, alongside epic adventures Canadian and British agents.
Devoted to the Second World War, the book of British historian Andrew Knapp, ' The French under Allied bombs 1940-1945 ' ( Tallandier ) , relies on the British and French archives and unpublished testimonies , to recall 57,000 French killed in allied bombing .

  His compatriot Bob Maloubier officer of the British Secret Service says it indoors in The Secrets of D-Day ' (La Boétie ) the operation of intoxication for the Germans called Fortitude .
Jean- David Morvan ( scenario) and Dominique Bertail (drawings) have combined their talents in a comic , Omaha Beach, June 6, 1944 ' ( Aire Libre / Magnum Photos) , to tell the D -Day from the iconic photo of Robert Capa only photojournalist to land with the first wave of American soldiers. The book also includes many photographs of Capa .

  ' Sacrifice ' ( Acropolis ) testifies to its share of heroism Landing in an album of 800 photos unpublished archives.
Different tone for the book shock American historian Mary Louise Roberts, ' The GI's and women ' (Seuil ), which reveals , archive support , how France was sold overseas as an erotic adventure ' the Yankee soldiers.


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