Thursday, April 2, 2015

Iran: "The work is not finished," warns Barack Obama

  This is a great step forward. Barack Obama praised this Thursday evening French time, the conclusion of a "historic" agreement on the nuclear program of Iran, which will be subject to "unprecedented checks" after the announcement of an agreement Thursday found by negotiators in Lausanne, Switzerland. He warned however that "work is not finished."

  "Today the United States, with its allies and partners have reached an historic agreement with Iran which, if fully implemented will prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons," said the US president during a statement to the press at the White House.

  "Iran has agreed to a regime of transparency and the most thorough inspections ever negotiated in the history of nuclear programs," said Barack Obama.

Praised efforts

  Obama noted the efforts granted by Tehran in the agreement signed in Lausanne: "Iran has fulfilled all its obligations it has eliminated its stockpiles of hazardous nuclear materials inspections of Iran's nuclear program have increased and we continued... negotiations to see if we could reach a more comprehensive agreement. "

  "Iran has agreed to a regime of transparency and the most thorough inspections ever negotiated in the history of nuclear programs," he added, noting that in the end Iran could not develop a bomb using plutonium.

"The work is not finished"

  "If Iran cheating, the world will know. With this agreement, Iran will be inspected more than any other country in the world," Obama said, adding however that "work is not finished. " The US president also said diplomacy "is by far the best" to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue and "offers a more comprehensive and lasting solution."

Uranium enrichment capacity greatly reduced

  The major powers and Iran concluded Thursday in Lausanne, after marathon negotiations, a framework agreement to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue, fundamental step towards a final agreement by June 30.

  According to preliminary disclosure of this pre-agreement the uranium enrichment capacity of Iran should be reduced and Iran would maintain 6,000 centrifuges in operation, against 19,000 today.

  US and European sanctions are lifted based on respect for Iran's commitments, immediately warned the European Union.


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