Cuba demands the return of Guantanamo, Washington says no
While the United States and Cuba have reopened their embassies, Monday, July 20, the head of US diplomacy, John Kerry warned that the full normalization of relations between the two countries would be "long and complex". A warning immediately illustrated by a first contention around the case of the Guantanamo Bay, home to the military prison of the same name.
At a joint press conference, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez specifically requested restitution of the land base. He mentioned the "illegally occupied territory of Guantanamo, as well as respect for the sovereignty of Cubas", saying it was points "crucial to move towards normalization" of relations between the two countries.
Rejected a request by John Kerry. He noted that, "currently, there is no intention on our part to alter the Treaty of location" Guantanamo Bay. He added: ". But we understand that this is an important point for Cuba"
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