How Facebook will dethrone YouTube
The future of sharing is in the video. Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, has stressed the fact that the video has become THE new way to share his moods (before giving way to virtual reality).
The evolution of the shares according to Facebook
Lines promised, from March, the strategic importance of video media for the social network with 1.4 billion followers. But also its future competitor YouTube. And music clips will be the weapon of Facebook to dethrone Google video sharing site.
Since the update of News Feed in December 2013, Facebook widely highlights the hosted videos directly on its platform. These start automatically (but without sound, we speak of "autoplay"), without any publicity at the start (known as "pre-roll") or above ("pop-over"). It is quick, nice and clean.
Playing videos on Facebook
Result: Users are addicted. Over 4 billion videos viewed every day are now on Facebook! Especially as more user watch videos (especially the sound, to the end and in high definition), the more we will suggest videos in its LAN. An Adobe study confirms that social network members are always fond of video content to the detriment of statutes with only text.
And by the way, the group of Mark Zuckerberg nibbled hearing YouTube (owned by Google), passing in one year from 24 to 33% of video viewings on the web (against 58-56% for YouTube).
The explanation for this video strategy is that the media is essential to stay in the heart of Internet users. According to a Médiamétrie study, each day, more than 10.2 million French are watching videos online, 13% more than last year. An activity they spend on average 29 minutes daily. With advertising market behind a full essort.
Facebook wants to go further and build an online video giant. The specialized site The Verge claims that the social network is "in contact" with several music labels, Sony and Universal in mind. To prepare yet another music streaming service? Not exactly.
Facebook has more in the idea of developing its video platform thanks to artists. According to the specialized website Music Ally, the social network eyeing their music videos. In negotiation: the opportunity for groups to host their videos directly to Facebook's platform. The discussions would be "an advanced stage", for a service that promises "much better all that YouTube offers," according to an internal source quoted by the site.
A strategy confirmed in particular by the "New York Times" and "Billboard". The US daily also notes that the social network already plays an important role in the world of music as a promotional tool for artists. Among the most followed Facebook pages include many music stars including Eminem and Rihanna. Two artists who already host videos directly to Facebook.
Combine video and music a surrogate recipe for Facebook. The video explodes in online consultations, while the music has settled as a must use. This is the third use of the computer and the Internet, according to a study Crédoc. On average, 47% of French listen to music online, although the practice varies with age (91% of 12-17 years against 24% of 60-69 years).
Remains to address the issue of income. Indeed, unlike YouTube videos Facebook does not yet allow display of advertisements whose revenues can be shared between the creator and the host (model chosen by Google). But a new system of remuneration would be in the cards.
Dan Rose, head of partnerships at Facebook, told the website Re / code that monetization of video is envisaged. This will be done through a new feature, entitled "Suggested Videos", which is to present a kind of Newsfeed similar videos to that just watched. The then displayed advertisements generate revenue, 55% accrue to the creators of different content based on the playback time (the same ratio as YouTube). A way out of frustration that the pre-roll can generate among YouTube users.
This feature must arrive quickly on the iOS app (iPhone and iPad), and then follow the Android app and the web version. It will concern however that some videos from a dozen "partners" (including NBA basketball league, the chain Fox Sports or Funny or Die comedy website).
Already difficult to predict the result of this strategy and the road is still long before Facebook overtakes the billions of dollars generated by YouTube. Google's site does not give figures but said that "thousands of channels [accounts] exceed the $ 100,000 a year bar."
"We want to show people more videos of the kind they want and less of those they do not want," says Facebook. Contact the right person with the right video would be the new mantra of the social network. But also the way to cut the grass under the feet of Google.
While YouTube has become a must for watching videos, responds to a search logic.
One way to appear confident about Facebook where video would be more of a distraction than a goal. Only if the social network algorithm makes his job of suggesting the correct video to the right audience, why go to YouTube to find interesting videos?
Not enough to unseat the CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, which shows his confidence in an interview with "Fortune":
The development of videos is fine, except when that train. Indeed, it is not uncommon to find themselves frustrated YouTube loading round indicating that the video does read after several seconds. If Google is trying to curb the problem by offering slower connections video in reduced quality, the problem is recurring (particularly for Free subscribers).
The problem is common for suppliers to videos: content is bandwidth-intensive and cause, at peak utilization, a traffic jam. What create friction with telecom operators who refuse to increase network capacity for the sole benefit of giant net (putting in passing the issue of net neutrality).
But Facebook has already been answered to reduce the loading time of videos: QuickFire Networks. The US start-up, bought in January by the social network, has developed a technology "that dramatically reduces the bandwidth required to view an online video without degradation of video quality."
The video platform Facebook could soon go beyond music alone. Indeed, besides the contents of the individual, it can count on newspaper publishers videos that incorporate their articles on its Instant Articles platform. These (including BuzzFeed, Vice, ESPN and CNN) and are encouraged to host their videos directly to Facebook.
In parallel, many content producers begin to migrate on the social network. HBO and Amazon e-commerce giant (which also produces series) opted for Facebook to promote their new series rather than the traditional YouTube. A disclaimer for the Google site, the videos published by TV producers are often among the most popular.
Finally, the social network could quickly count an influx of music videos, news, and entertainment. He will not fail him but to dredge the content authors about video games (like most watched videos online) for a global platform. And dethrone YouTube.
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