Tuesday, July 21, 2015

In the US, a military exercise inflames the ultra conservatives

In the US, a military exercise inflames the ultra conservatives
  Paranoid conspiracy theorists now reached highs in the seven southwestern US states (California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas), where in 1200 US special forces soldiers lead a military exercise dubbed "Jade Helm 15". Martial law is proclaimed, dissidents are being killed, processed supermarket makeshift prison. Worse, the "re-education camps for Christians, libertarians and other enemies of the state" will emerge. These are rumors and false information compiled by the American press.

  The exercise, held from July 15 to September 15, aims to teach soldiers to get acquainted with unknown land, said Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria the inhabitants of the city of Bastrop, Texas.

  With Utah and parts of southern California, Texas has been identified for this exercise as a "hostile territory", according to a command of special operations map of the US Army published on the site Washington Post .Coïncidence internet or not, this state is - in the real world this time - one of the most reluctant to host this year. An "Anti Jade Helm" it is organized and set up militias to monitor troop movements. During a tense public meeting in Bastrop, demonstrators held signs such as "No Gestapo Bastropo".

  Even the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, remains vigilant. He ordered the National Guard to monitor the federal forces to prevent the constitutional rights and private ownership of Texans are violated.

  Yet Steve Adcock, the head of the Bastrop police, noticed that the followers of the conspiracy theory came primarily from outside and that the inhabitants of the town were rather favorable to the military. "Many things about this so-called conspiracy of people do not come here. It's a shame, it gives a bad image of us, "said the sheriff told AFP. A lawyer from the same city, Kay Rogers estimated that less than one in ten in Bastrop the number of opponents to the military operation, which has also begun peacefully.

Fear of the federal state

  For months, the military tries to reassure residents, saying the exercises do not disturb them in their daily lives. That did not stop people applauding after Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Lastoria became a liar during the public meeting of Bastrop. "We are not preparing for martial law," he explained. "Some people really want to do this exercise something he is not. All we want, is it justified, it is to be sure that our people are well trained before going to fight abroad. "

  About 60% of the US population believes that the federal government is "a threat to individual liberties", according to a survey of the institute Rasmussen last May. This sentiment is especially present in the Southern United States. Rising complotistes theories about Jade Helm 15 is also linked to the spread of anti-Obama sentiment in Texas, according to Jack Campbell, Doctor Christoval, Texas, told the New York Times.

Laurent Fabius and the Apocalypse

  Among the conspiracy theories there is that of an "invasion" of the federal army in Texas. Other people think that this operation is to confiscate their firearms. Won by this fear, a veteran of the Vietnam War had even buried his, says one of his relatives in the New York Times.

  Some theories connect complotistes same drill Jade Helm 15 at the end of the world. Indeed, the fiscal year ends in September 2015, months identified by this theory as one where an asteroid would strike the earth (between 22 and 28 September). This apocalyptic fear is based on a speech by the French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, who had announced in May 2013 that the world had only 500 days "to avoid climate chaos." A quote taken up by several blogs, without specifying that Laurent Fabius spoke actually the Cop21 conference on climate to be held in Paris in November / December 2015.

  Conspiracy come to say that Jade Helm 15 would only be a dress rehearsal for the implementation of martial law which will become necessary to prevent the Apocalypse announced. Given the scale taken by this rumor, a spokesman for NASA was forced to affirm that no comet or asteroid was en route to the land and a collision would be unlikely.


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