5 yoga positions to boost your sex life
Often, our libido is undermined by psychological and environmental factors. The best way to fix it? Yoga! It hunts stress, increases the production of hormones, develops our endurance and our motor ... In short, it acts directly and positively, our sexual energies. Here are 5 yoga positions to get familiar with this gentle practice.
1st place: Ardha MatsyendrasanaAsseyez you legs straight in front of you. Fold the left and place the left heel in the right buttock leg. Move the left arm to the outside of the right knee and hold the right ankle. Stand up straight and look over your right shoulder. Stay in this position while breathing deeply for a few minutes. Then reiterate the exercise of the other benefits côté.Les: this twist position helps release deep tension back. It improves mobility while improving kidney and digestive functions. Finally, it is great for flexibility. So you can do more with Cheri somersaults.
2nd place: Setu AsanaAsseyez you legs straight in front of you. Place your hands on the floor behind you. When you inhale, lift your torso and pelvis, leaving your head lean back. Return to the starting position while exhaling. Repeat the exercise three fois.Les benefits: this position strengthens the muscles of the hips and pelvis. It will improve your performance during sex.
3rd place: ShirangustasanaDebout, straight, spread your feet about one meter. Rotate to the right, bend the right knee, grab the left wrist behind your back and bring your forehead near the foot droit.Les benefits: This position reinforces the flexibility, tones the pelvic muscles, which will allow you to take more pleasure in bed.
4th position: UshtrasanaA knees, right arm in front of you are tapping a deep breath. Lean backward while exhaling, left hand on his left ankle and right hand in the air. Repeat the exercise three fois.Les benefits: in addition to strengthening the thighs, hips and back muscles, this position stimulates the reproductive organs and improves concentration.
5th place: Ardha NatarajasanaDebout, feet together, raise your right leg extended behind you by leaning forward. Stay in balance, as if you were the board, parallel to the ground, head in the extension of the back. Benefits: This position will improve your flexibility, balance, while working the pelvic muscles and abs.
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