Saturday, August 15, 2015

He is afraid of the dark, how to help?

He is afraid of the dark, how to help?
Why did he suddenly afraid of the dark?

  Your child, who slept far without problems, now begins to be afraid of the dark. This phenomenon is common and usually appears around the age of 2 or 3 years. Overnight, he refuses to go to bed, saying that there is a monster in his room, or howls at night because it is scared and does not want to sleep alone. This fear is common at this age, because now your child has a very rich imagination. The black causing him to lose all his usual reference points, he may imagine everything ... even monsters hiding in his closet or giant shark stashed under his bed The slightest shadow on a wall made him think of a witch or ogre, and any noise is seen as a dangerous threat. Also note that some events that change the daily life of a child (a move, the entrance to the school or the arrival of another child in the family) can trigger nocturnal anxieties. Be careful what could have upset your child.

What if he is afraid of the dark?

  The first thing to do if your child starts to be afraid of the dark is to take it seriously. Do not make fun of him, saying that this fear is for babies and he is a true coward. Show them instead that you are at his side, and you think it's brave enough to face it. In the evening before bed, do all one full turn of the chamber (in the closet, under the bed, in the toy box ...) to show your child that there is no danger. Show him also that his bedroom window is closed, as the front door of the house. To reassure him immediately, please install a small night light in his room, or to let light from the lit hallway. If he carries more layers night, let him a flashlight available so that he can turn to the toilet. You can also show the position of switches or paste some phosphorescent stickers to show him the way. However, do not allow her to come sleep with you: it would only reinforce the fear in her (and give her bad habits). You must instead reassure him by showing him that there is no danger.

Fear of the dark or fear of separation?

  To understand the fear of your child, remember that darkness is not always the only cause. For example, your child never complains black of cinemas? Or falls asleep easily when it sets at your side in your bed? More than the fear of the dark, it surely is a fear of separation. Hence the need to reassure your presence at his side. At bedtime, tell him that you are not far away and you also go to bed soon. Reassure him by telling him that you will end up the next day as usual. The little light in the corridor is also a good way to break its isolation and show him that he is not alone, abandoned in his big dark room ...

How to help tame her fear?

  However, do not deprive yourself to read him stories about monsters and witches: they do not reinforce his fear of the dark, but on the contrary, will help to better understand these creatures, if they understand n ' not actually exist, and is not threatened by anything. If his fear of the dark is linked to a particular event, discuss with him the change. Answer all their questions and reassure them. Fear of the dark is, in most cases temporary. It disappears by itself around the age of 5 or 6 years. If this is not the case, and your child still seems terrorized by the darkness around age 7 or 8 years old, please consult a psychologist. Your child has some anxiety, and it is important that he can talk to someone.


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