Making love in water: good or bad idea?
After tan all day, chained and cocktails is full of delicacies, we note that the beach is empty. We are so well with our love we decided to stay until the dusk. And then there comes an idea: "What if we made love in the water? "Soft and sensual certainly, but is it really a good idea?
Moreover, as it destroys the lubrication phenomenon in women, we can have very bad and exposure to various STDs. As for the chlorine from the pool, he is heavily involved in the onset of mycoses. Pleasing, is not it? Besides, if a condom is used, it may tear.
It's fine to want to get laid in water. Must still be aware of the risks if we get spotted. Indeed, Article 222-32 of the Penal Code states that "sexual exhibition imposed on the sight of others in a place accessible to the public gaze is punishable by one year imprisonment and 15,000 euros of fine ".Autant say we had better think carefully before embarking ... There is water and water ...

Beyond the fact of breaking the rules is terribly exciting (making love in a public place is prohibited, either the sea or the pool), the aquatic sex quickly become disillusioned because we risk is not without risks for health. A brief overview of the dangers we expose.Gare microbesL'eau to sea, very salty and acidic, is likely to cause burns. If it is harmless to the skin, it is, however, extremely aggressive to the genitals. Besides irritation of the vulva and vagina, there is a risk of contracting a UTI because of the sea water.

The correct method: put before entering the water and remove after sorti.Alors if one is not faithful to his partner, we have not done that AIDS screening or the hepatitis B, it fails to make love in the water. If, despite these revelations, one is always tempted, care is taken to stay in places where we walk, whether in the sea or pool. Unless we want to drink the cup ...
What the law says

That said, nothing prevents us to make love in the shower or in the bathtub, with just a few water jets that gently fall to slips dessus.Attention us! It is thought to be an anti-slip mat or one clings well to the bar behind us, so as not to end up with a broken leg.
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