Shared custody: manual
What is joint custody?
This system, now highly regulated, is advantageous because it allows a family to not only support for childcare costs. It also allows the child not to be alone all day, but to be kept with another small, age or not. The guard, it takes place at the homes of two families, allowing children to grow up in a family environment and not feel lost, ideal particularly for babies, toddlers. Despite its many advantages, this storage system is not always easy to manage. In addition to the constraints that families become employers (which involves managing payroll, management of vacations and possible absences of the nanny ...), it is important that everything goes better, get along and communicate with the other family.
For practical reasons, it is obviously easier to choose a family who lives in the same neighborhood. In general, it is also preferable to focus on families who have a child of about the same age as yours. Thus, they will have the same rate for naps and meals, they can share the same activities and grow together. So that everything goes well better define from the start very precisely the places of custody and desired alternating according to the constraints of each: every other week, every other day, etc. Consider also the practical details: providing diapers, milk and food for example? Determine the criteria that are most important to you, and keep them in mind when choosing the family.
Tagged : Shared custody, Shared, custody, manual.
What is joint custody?
It is to hire a live-in nanny with another family. Specifically, the two families are the two co-employers of this nanny: each wrote a similar work contract with the employee. This should clarify a number of information: the number of hours of care, identity and age of the children cared for (the two families), specific tasks that the nanny has to perform in the workplace. .. It should also state that the guard alternative way to go in one and in the other family (condition for family allowances), but in practice, parents organize themselves as they wish. Families must also agree among themselves on the allocation of earnings on-call. In most cases, families are paying the same hours, at 50-50. But other distributions (eg 60% / 40%) can be considered if a family does not keep her children on Wednesday or recover sooner the evening for example.
What advantages and disadvantages?

How to set up a joint custody?

What will happen if one of the family breaks the contract?
When moving or starting school of the child, the family's contract with the nanny is logically broken. This has consequences for the other family because the two contracts are connected. Two scenarios are possible: either the family decides to keep the only nanny (she then pays full-time) or she starts looking for another family to continue the joint custody system. In this case, it will be necessary to draft an amendment to the initial employment contract.
Tagged : Shared custody, Shared, custody, manual.
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