Young dads: 10 pitfalls to keep in shape
Blame the baby
Blame the baby
After the birth of a child, new dads sometimes feel like the third wheel. This is because the couple relationship is changing, Mom directs his affection towards the child and less time for his spouse, which can lead to anxiety or depression in the father and problems couple. In this case, the worst thing to do is to blame the baby. "Mom needs that touch the baby responds," says Pepper Schwartz. "She hugs him, cares for him, the door, the changes, the lulls. These are much interaction reserved for the child who needs it, and whose father is aggrieved if he does not do as much. The mother does not realize what is happening. "Pepper Schwartz advises dads to quickly reach this rhythm and to find their place. "Remind your wife that you are his spouse, the child's father and you must be part of this new relationship. Do not hide your emotions, thinking they are going to spend, and do not be passive-aggressive. "
Tagged : Young dads 10 pitfalls to keep in shape, Young dads, 10 pitfalls, to keep, in shape, Blame the baby.
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