Medicinal herbs have been used since ancient times to relieve or cure our most common ailments . Sore throat , menstrual cramps, fatigue ? And if we would see herbalists ?
1 - Burdock
Better known in Quebec as the " toc" , burdock has many virtues . It is used among others to treat skin conditions - acne, eczema, psoriasis, impetigo ... ) to reduce blood sugar , cure dental abscesses and sore throat and alleviate rheumatism. Not recommended for women in early pregnancy , it can cause uterine contractions. Burdock is eaten fresh mainly because it loses its properties once dried.
2 - Nettle
Already consumed in the first century before Christ , nettle is a general tonic rich in minerals and vitamins as well as proteins. It is recommended for people suffering from anemia and convalescents. It can be taken over a long period of time and can help regain vitality after childbirth , during breastfeeding , chronic fatigue or mononucleosis. It also would solve the problems of bedwetting in children and relieves the symptoms of hay fever . Some argue that the nettle is a good sexual stimulant and it slows hair loss . Avoid in cases of edema related to heart or kidney problems.
3 - raspberry leaf
Diuretic, astringent and rich in calcium, raspberry leaf is the friend of all women ! It indeed helps to alleviate menstrual cramps , morning sickness and relaxes the uterine muscle , facilitating childbirth. It is also suggested to relieve colic , diarrhea , rheumatism and arthritis. Pregnant or lactating women should avoid taking this product . Consult a health care practitioner for prolonged use .
4 - Peppermint
Include peppermint in several pharmaceutical preparations (syrups and lozenges against cough or cold , for example) as well as in certain foods , dental or cosmetic . It is well known , mint helps to mask bad breath. But it also helps to combat laziness stomach , sore intestines, liver and kidneys. It also calms headaches , neuralgia , sciatica and flatulence . Cons -indicated for children less than 5 years.
5 - Chamomile
The reputation of chamomile is more to do . That is why it is one of the most consumed plants. It can be used as a tonic before meals or after appetite , to aid digestion . It is also useful against flatulence and flatulence . Relaxing , it also soothes headache and toothache, menstrual aches and pains.
6 - Oregano
Condiment known , oregano , marjoram also named as wild - has medicinal properties. Tonic , antispasmodic, antitussive , expectorant , antiseptic, it can be used in many sauces ! We recommend it to fight against the effects of flu , bronchial ailments and digestive disorders. In small doses, it has a calming effect , but becomes exciting when ingested in larger quantities . It is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. In essential oil form , oregano is very powerful , it is preferable to be followed by a professional aromatherapy when you want to use as well .
7 - Hamamelis
Witch hazel is a shrub native to Canada that grows in the forests of Quebec and is sometimes confused with hazel . Fighter poor circulation , it is popular to relieve heavy legs. It is also useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids , varicose veins and eczema . It is also used in case of contusions , sprains, minor wounds or inflammations of the skin or mucous membranes.
8 - Echinacea
Echinacea is traditionally used to stimulate the natural defenses of the body. It is particularly recommended at the first sign of a cold. We strongly suggest taking one dose per hour the first day, to decrease the dosage as soon improve and continue treatment until symptoms disappear. This plant also relieves stomach aches or headaches . The safe use of echinacea for pregnant or nursing women has not been established beyond doubt .
9 - The Rhodiola rosea
This plant is native to Quebec allows the body to fight against the harmful effects of stress. It therefore helps morale, energy, memory and concentration . It is also nicknamed " natural Viagra ." It advises among other after a period of illness to help recovery. Rich in phytochemicals , rhodiola rosea the interested botanists and cancer researchers in their attempts to prevent certain cancers. Avoid eating in the evening, so as not to disturb sleep . Pregnant women and people with bipolar disorder should consult before get it.
10 - Eucalyptus
Native to Australia and Tasmania , but used in Quebec in the 19th century , eucalyptus aids digestion, heal urinary tract infections and relieves the symptoms of menopause. Recognized as a powerful antiseptic respiratory tract , it helps in cases of bronchitis , flu and asthma and thins sputum . We can also use it to disinfect wounds and burns. However, it should be used sparingly, since an excess may irritate the kidneys. Eucalyptus is cons - indicated in children under 6 years and pregnant or lactating women.
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