Friday, May 23, 2014

 Changing habits to find a healthy lifestyle requires a good dose of motivation and introspection. But who said we had to suffer to be in shape?

  There three years , mons finds the urgency for a serious bronchitis. Smoker since the age of 11 years , asthmatic, so the young woman aged 23 has all the reasons to quit smoking. But it was only a year later, when it accompanies a group of baby boomers ski touring, it really becomes aware of his poor physical condition . At the top of the mountain , the shock is brutal not only these men and women 50 to 60 years ( twice his age !) Full of energy , but they are in much better shape than her. "I was out of breath , I could hardly follow them! It was a revelation . At the end of the week, I decided to quit. I was in a momentum to do so. And I got cold , toneless , without gum. "

  But mons is not yet out of the woods . As soon as she stops smoking, it takes kilos. And the picture is not rosy : Obesity is bend almost all branches of his family tree! If she wants to find his line - and most importantly, form - he must change his eating habits and lifestyle in depth , she said. And it will not be easy : according to her, this "tendency to fatten easily " is related not only to genetic factors , but also to education. During family meals , how many times has she heard phrases like, " Finish your plate ... It's too good to leave ... We paid for ... You shall not eat of also good things tomorrow ... Think of African children who have nothing ... "?

Step 1: reduce portions

  "Gradually , I realized that I had beautiful eat better, healthier, I ate too much . In the food guide, the recommended size of a serving of meat is that of a deck of cards. My portions to me were 4 times bigger ! "

  mons therefore begins to take smaller meals , and feel the benefits . "Before, I often felt bloated after eating. Now I listen to my appetite more . Restaurant , for example, I do not force me to finish my plate. " In addition , the young woman learns to manage his anxiety :" When I was hungry , I happened to be panicked if I did not eat immediately . Now I know that if I wait a bit , I do not évanouirai me and I did not die. "

  And sweets ? It allows for the occasion , but in moderation. "No way to put a cross on the final chocolate cake or poutine . Eating should remain a pleasure. "

Step 2: move!

  Surprisingly, mons , who does not consider himself a sporting nature, took a liking to physical activity it is imposed at the start and it now practice about every two days. Sometimes, to get to work , instead of using the car, she walks briskly , a 45 minute drive . At the end of the day , half an hour jogging allows it to evacuate the accumulated stress in the office , to aerate mind . And given its flexible schedule , she may even decide to go for a swim in the pool in the middle of the afternoon , when the concentration is lacking. " Nothing better to put my ideas in place. Back to work , I become efficient and productive . "

  Of course, this is not always easy. A good thing , she says, is to vary the sports. "And ouste guilt if, for example , are not reinstated to the gym immediately after a quarter : it is normal that the enthusiasm and lower back . Also, doing my jogging , I realized that nothing forced me to always follow the same route for the same number of minutes. Since then, I take a lot more fun to go running ... "

  Today, sport or exercise has become a need for mons : "my body my calls . This is an excellent remedy against anxiety , insomnia and sometimes even against the urge to smoke . When I go swimming , fast walking or jogging , my goal is not to lose weight , burn calories or look better , but to be comfortable in my skin, to have a good quality of life . I do not want to be out of breath after the slightest effort. And when I 'm 50 , I hope to be fit and live a beautiful and pleasant that I observed there two years in the mountains, with my fellow ski life ... "


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