Friday, May 2, 2014

  Who has not had the experience to take during physical activity rhythm of lively music . Just your favorite song starts playing on the radio or your mp3 player to work harder without you even realizing it. Does it not moments of grace when the effort seems less even if it is bigger? Put this reality to benefit you by creating a playlist specially designed to motivate your workout. Sweat will never have seemed so inspiring!

Some tips for a catchy list

  First, you must choose songs that really excite you . Does it make you stomp without you noticing ? If so, this song can be part of your first selection round .
Preferably hold pieces of music for a period of 3 to 5 min in order to better situate you throughout your workout and stay motivated. Imagine the boredom of an instrumental piece 5 to 10 minutes , as rhythmic as it is !

  My Personal Coach : Discover the playlist Melissa Lemieux
Use the succession of your songs to tell you it 's time to exercise or to the next phase of your routine. For example, if you have to jump rope 2 min , integrate at the right time in your playlist one song this exact duration will allow you to perform this portion without looking at your watch every 30 seconds.

  Gather your list of songs according to their pace to ensure you give the correct progression to your workout : slower during periods of stretching, warming and homing , intermediate during your muscle exercises and faster during your periods of intense activity (cardiovascular ) .

  To regulate all accurately calculate their bpm. Beats per minute is a unit of measurement used to express the music tempo or rhythm . Then , organize your playlist , taking inspiration from the example of training program offered in seonde part of this article .

Did you know that ...

- A study of two groups of riders , one listening on their activity music 142 bpm and the other not , showed that the first were performing more efficient through this training.
- There are databases on the Internet, as , and , which allow you to search for bpm songs from your favorite artists or obtain a list for a given bpm.
- Looking the bpm of a song that is not there ? Here's how to measure yourself : use the good old method of calculating a precise minute that you type on your thigh or in your hands to the rhythm of music. Count the number of claps to get the bpm.

An example of a well-paced program

  Here is a model of musical 55-minute program designed to track the progress of your rhythm phases of exercises.

Block A : stretching and warming (10 min)

  To prepare your body for physical activity , first stretch you , then turn your bloodstream through a very gentle exercise , such as brisk walking (5 km / h). Accompany this phase of music 100 bpm or less. Do not knock with music too sweet! While dynamic songs like Rockin ' Robin Bobby Day ( 86 bpm) and Wake Up Little Susie Everly Brothers (88 bpm) will incite you to move without starting too abruptly.

Block B : moderate activities (10 min) 

  Proceed to alternate between strength exercises and cardio - vascular rather moderate. For example, you could do a series of sit-ups, then pump , followed by a 2 min jogging at 8 km / h , repeated every two to three times. To assist you in this training phase the faster tempo , choose 100-130 bpm songs like The Loco - Motion Little Eva (120 bpm) , Louie , Louie Kingsmen (116 bpm) and Summer in the City Loving Spoonful (109 bpm).

Block C : intense activity (15 min)

  This is the time to push your cardiovascular system to its full capacity . Activate all your metabolism up to your songs vigorous 130-150 bpm and pedal , row (or else!) At a steady pace , eg 10 km / h in the case of the race.

  For the more energetic , you can cross this line with intervals of more rapid activity , accompanied by music at 150 bpm or more. At full speed ! Warning, the body is not made ​​to stay too long in exercises such high intensities . Surprise him with a few sprints against allows to maximize the benefits of your workout.

  Try Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf (139 bpm ), Brown Eyed Girl Van Morrison (150 bpm) , It's My Party by Lesley Gore (150 bpm) , Jailhouse Rock Elvis Presley (135 pbm ) , Great Balls of Fire Jerry Lee Lewis (168 bpm) and Paint it Black Rolling Stones (163 bpm).

Block D : moderate activity (10 min)

  Follow the same pattern as for the block B , diversifying the exercises, of course.

Block E : back to rest and stretch (10 min)

  To avoid the shock of a sudden stop too , take the time to gradually return to work or other activity of lower intensity before you stop completely. Do not forget to stretch after your workout session to prevent muscle soreness the next day !


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