Tuesday, March 18, 2014

How to break free from our involuntary motor habits ?

One of the strategies put forward is to start working on yourself . The goal : access to a greater awareness of their states of mind .

Are you the type to anticipate events ? You may entertain some irrational beliefs that lead to negative anticipation of events ... which results in disaster scenarios your mind !

This triple action , which makes thoughts, emotions, muscle tensions , it is you and you alone have triggered stop ... so you receive such a victim of your driving habits involuntary ! By becoming aware of the thoughts that start the process , you can more easily get out of this vicious circle.

How to become more aware of their habits?

To help you become aware of the sequence thoughts - emotions - muscles, leading to activation of a particular involuntary motor habit , you can identify the muscles used in your practice . Researchers Kieron O'Connor and Danielle Gareau also suggest to calculate the frequency of occurrence of this habit.

Finally , take the time to identify situations with low and high risk. It is said that when your level is high usually occurs almost certainly or that it is difficult to control your urge to do - you barely remember . By performing this exercise of self-observation for at least a week , you could make amazing discoveries about yourself !

How to reduce tension?

To help you reduce your driving habits involuntary , it should reduce the tension in your body. How ? Coffee consumption is limited , attempts to lighten his schedule or revise his routine , we try to improve his lifestyle, which then includes regular exercise , restful sleep and a healthy diet , rich in fruits and vegetables, low in fat and refined sugar.

Any initiative to lower your stress level will you be beneficial . For example? Sessions of relaxation , meditation and breathing techniques .

Experts advise to follow special courses to improve coordination and posture , such as tai chi, Feldenkrais technique, the Alexander Technique and Yoga.

Would you be a bit perfectionist?

Want to do too much at the same time , have unrealistic expectations , not afford to relax, have difficulty sitting still , doing things too quickly, have trouble prioritizing ( everything is important and urgent! ) Be unable focus , repress his feelings and frustrations accumulate , being a perfectionist ... it tells you something ? By modifying your action style, your driving habits involuntary may arise less often ... until it disappears completely.

What are the keys to success ?

Persevere, to develop , to give feedback or go get feedback, try to improve the perception we have of ourselves are keys to success for anyone who wants to get rid of an involuntary motor habit . So we try not to ask too much and sleep to tackle one problem at a time.

To prevent relapse , Kieron O'Connor and Danielle Gareau feel you need to "stay aware of the condition your muscles and your mind , even in difficult times of your life to continue to use regularly different strategies taught and finally , to adopt a way of thinking and a more constructive style of action . " And do you trust !


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