Saturday, March 15, 2014

  Some bite their nails or have the annoying habit of playing in the hair. What is often called nervous tics or nervous habits in everyday language are in fact involuntary motor habits . Can we break free ? These 5 questions and answers will give you the correct time.

How to differentiate nervous tics and involuntary motor habits ?

  " A tic is a brief muscle , which occurs repeatedly and involuntarily localized contraction explains Geneviève Goulet, psychologist Centre for the Study of OCD and tics Centre de recherche Fernand - Seguin of Hospital Louis -H . Lafontaine. A strong blinking , a bunching of the nose, a movement of the muscles of the neck or a sudden uprising of a shoulder are examples . Some tics may be sound : sniffing , coughing, throat clearing , make small sounds . At the other extreme, there is the syndrome of Gilles de la Tourette . "
Involuntary motor habit is better defined as " an action or sequence of automatic actions that occur without one likes but uses muscles that are under our voluntary control , " the researchers write Kieron O'Connor and Danielle Gareau in Tics and problems with muscle tension - How control , a reference manual paving the way for self-care .

  " It's driving habits because they involve the motor system or muscles, says Ms. Goulet . Involuntary habits , it relates to a disorder habits . It is more complex ( tics ) because it is more organized : there is a sequence of movements. Someone who has the habit of pulling hair must raise his arm , pinching a hair between his fingers, then gently pull , it involves more muscles and coordination. "

Have involuntary motor habits is serious, doctor ?

  These bad habits are especially embarrassing . "One of the aspects that cause more psychological distress in people struggling with such problems (HMI) is that they have the feeling of being alone and being different from others ," says - t be in Tics and problems with muscle tension.

  However, if only 1 % of the population has tics , involuntary motor habits (HMI ), often related to problems with muscle tension, affecting the majority of people . In bed just before falling asleep , you have strange spasms, your nervous system getting rid of overcharging ? You're not alone in experiencing these jerks !

Tics and involuntary motor habits , more frequent than before?

  Faced with this question, the psychologist Genevieve Goulet is cautious . "It is especially more diagnosed before; was better tools to identify them. The prevalence is really more important than before, but there is a few decades or centuries , as we had no data on it. "

Why was involuntary motor habits ?

  " The common denominator of different involuntary motor habits : the problems of muscle tension , says Geneviève Goulet . In habit disorders , a particular component is having trouble managing their emotions. Someone with difficulty asserting can live a lot of stress or anxiety , unpleasant or negative emotions. "
"The involuntary motor habit , manifested as muscle , has been at some point a strategy he has learned to soothe discomfort, to soothe this inner discomfort, she says. As usual driving involuntary nervous tic that aim to release some tension for . "

Completely control is possible?

  The good news with involuntary motor habits : it is treatable ! If some people are able to stop completely , others arrive to disappear 75% of the problem with the right approach.

  "Learning to master these habits often represents an essential step in establishing greater confidence and control other aspects of behavior," support Kieron O'Connor and Danielle Gareau in their work.

  " In the case of involuntary motor habits , the prognosis is better, you can get to get rid says Goulet . For tics , it depends. For example, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome , there is often a neurological problem at the root , so it is unrealistic to expect that we manage to get them out permanently. " However, the specialist shows encouraging. "It is just beginning to treat tics in a cognitive - behavioral approach. It is still very innovative , there is still the idea that it is only neurological and there 's nothing we can do with it. It is a myth, because to a certain extent , yes, you can have a control on it ... "


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