Saturday, March 15, 2014

  All women are affected by this major turning point. Menopause usually occurs around age 50 , she sometimes accompanied by bothersome symptoms . This is the end of the breeding season in the lady , but it is not mean the end of his life as a woman . With a healthy life proper and appropriate treatment , we can avoid any inconvenience this period.

It's hot here!

  At the age of menopause , many problems appear. Fatigue, weight gain, irritability ... Most often it is a breath of heat that will invade the lady without warning . They are present even before the cessation of menstruation . Why ? Because ovaries produce fewer hormones. This lack generates heat in the body.
Suddenly the lady begins to warm. It starts in the neck, face to generalize about the whole body. Just after up to cold sweats. It is true that these heat episodes last only a few minutes , but they can occur twenty times a day. This can be very disabling in everyday life . "I stopped teaching because of these puffs" tells Fatema . "I had trouble concentrating, I was dreading the next breath ," she adds .

  The night also is unabated. Many women are forced to get up to change clothes, sheets or outright because they are victims of sweating . In following insomnia , fatigue and even depression.

  On average ladies , these hot flashes with us five years. But all ladies are different, even menopause. Thus, it will be very intense for some and easy to live for others. This will last a long time in one and the other does not even feel ! ( Life is not fair I tell you ) . It also depends on lifestyle and diet . It is therefore essential to avoid stressful situations , sudden changes in temperature and well hydrated . Also prefer clothing made ??of cotton or natural fibers , they absorb perspiration better . And do not forget , only a doctor can advise you on replacement therapy .

And treatment ?

  Since a decade , it does not give the same treatment to all women. It is not even more systematic . Priority to those who suffer from troublesome symptoms , such as hot flushes (again!) , pain or vaginal dryness. The treatment is now limited in time, the lady would take five years to the fullest.

  Why ? Because this hormone replacement risk : coronary heart disease , pulmonary embolism ... but also breast cancer! Experts recommend nowadays especially not taking hormones tablet at the onset of menopause . We have to wait between five and ten years, every lady is , again , different.

  In general, it also requires a synthetic progestin , but it is not very effective. The menopausal ladies swear by soy and its derivatives, natural female hormones. Their efficiency is lower , and they absolutely do not reduce harm this period.

  Besides the hormonal treatment , do not let you go . This is not the end of your life as a woman , even if it coincides with a lot of changes around you : retirement , children leaving ... Do not hesitate to speak with a specialist!

  And do not forget the sport! Not only is it good for your morale, but you will not gain weight and studies show that regular physical activity reduces by half the hot flashes !

  And do not forget your plate! You have to eat balanced. At this time your cardiovascular system and your bones are fragile !

  Finally , we must surround yourself ! Do not take it as the end but as the beginning of a new life. This is the time to take time for you!


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