Friday, March 14, 2014

  All in chorus: " Vive le vent , vive le vent , vive le winter wind , snowballs ..." - even though you know he'll have to eventually get their hands on the shovel to clear snow . Yet even shoveling , there is something fun as long as you keep in mind a couple of things .

  To avoid hypothermia , do not get cold. Hypothermia caused by the inability mind of the body to produce more heat than it loses when exposed to cold , making its internal temperature dropped below 35 ° C. Always wear a hat, gloves or mittens and waterproof boots when shoveling . And cover your face, especially if you have blood pressure problems .

  Can you recognize and treat hypothermia and frostbite ?

  The warning signs of hypothermia begin with shivering, slurred speech , followed by confusion or lack of coordination. Make up the temperature of your body leaving the cold as soon as you can. Your best weapon against hypothermia is to know the causes. The main culprits are the wind , moisture and cold. A cold and windy environment cools the body while moisture absorbs body heat. To protect yourself from hypothermia when you clear , always wear a hat, gloves or mittens and waterproof boots .

  If your skin becomes numb , it whitens and waxy , is that you have frostbite. Touch your skin. Is it firm but soft under your fingers in depth? Well this is it lost heat. Act quickly to avoid losing even more heat . Use the warmth of your hands to warm your skin frozen by the cold by gently placing your hands on the area in question . Be careful - tiny ice particles present in the frozen skin can cause tissue damage if you rub it , so do not rub especially ! And if the color of your skin turns blue-gray and it becomes hard to the touch , try warm and consult a doctor immediately.

  Remember, if your skin is not covered , it will quickly freeze if exposed to temperatures below -25 ° C. When it is cold outside at this point , the risk of hypothermia and frostbite is increased. If you do not absolutely need to get out , stay inside . But if you do not have the opportunity to stay at home, bundle up !


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