Thursday, March 20, 2014

Treatment of snoring

  The treatment of snoring has several therapeutic methods , some of which are the subject of advertising, but not always effective. It is therefore necessary to have a medical opinion .

1 . The lifestyle changes are essential and can alone be sufficient to significantly reduce snoring. These measures include avoiding factors that promote snoring.

It is therefore necessary :
. losing weight (if needed )
. stop smoking (which produces an inflammation of the throat and nose )
. not to consume alcohol in the evening ( which relaxes the throat muscles during sleep )
. not take sleeping pills or tranquilizers (for the same reason)
. avoid sleeping on your back (for example, by sewing a tennis ball into the back of the pajama ) , if snoring occurs preferentially in this position.

2 . Conventional surgery

  Surgical or pharyngotomy uvulo - palato- pharyngoplasty ( UVPP ) surgery under general anesthesia carries a resection of the uvula and part of the soft palate and tonsils to expand the space at the throat and reducing vibration causing the snoring . Advantage of general anesthesia , a gesture at the nose ( deviated septum) may be associated . The results , taken together , show about 80% of patient satisfaction and spouse in the short term . Snoring does not always disappear completely and can recur in some patients after a few years (about 50 % satisfaction to 5 years).

  Side effects are mainly after the intervention, a risk of bleeding , pain throat significant , lasting 8 to 15 days, which requires the use of drugs against pain and semi -liquid food and cold for 8 days . Transient complications may be the occurrence of infection, nasal regurgitation during swallowing , change the timbre of the voice ( nasal speech ) . They are rarely definitive .

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