Thursday, March 13, 2014

  As the saying goes : " The more things change, the more they stay the same ." Here are the five bad habits that people would like to get rid of. For exercise, Relative Happiness Index ( IRB) process groupings based on the answers given by the participants. The content of such groups can be found at the end of this article.
Habits change ( % of mentions) :

1 . Improve eating habits : 14.5%
2 . Move more, do more exercise : 13.6%
3 . Stop Smoking: 10.4%
4 . Improve lifestyle : 6.6%
5 . Adopt a more zen coolest attitude : 6.0%
6 . Reduce my procrastination, be less lazy : 6.0%
7 . Spend less , better manage my budget : 6.0%
8 . Eat less, reduce portions : 5.2%
9 . Reduce consumption of alcohol, wine : 5.0 %
10 . Improve my attitude, my character : 4.5%
11 . Assert myself more, increase my confidence level : 2.6%
12 . Spend less time on the internet : 2.0 %
13 . Stop biting my nails : 2.0 %
14 . Eat less often at the restaurant : 1.3%
15 . Reduce the consumption of coffee: 0.8%
16 . No habit change : 8.6%

Bad habits in detail

1 . Eating habits

  Bad habits of the past are still present ones. Those related to eating habits occupy the top of the list (14.5%) and more if we integrate that which occupies the 7th position ( eat less, reduce portions, 5.2%) . This is when one in five ( 20%) who hopes to change his eating habits , which characterizes the current state of society as obesity and overweight have become scourges heavy, as individual health than the entire population. This willingness to change eating habits is more felt by women and those with lower education.

2 . the sedentary

  The second position of this list is occupied by a bad habit that is often the corollary of the first , or a sedentary lifestyle . Thus , 13.6% of people want to move more and exercise more . A desire repeatedly heard but rarely enforced.
These first two positions only habits that we would like to explain they only change the scale of the phenomenon today is the sedentary lifestyle , its negative and the efforts to do to dissociate effects.

3 . the cigarette

  The desire to quit smoking comes in third position with 10.4 % of mentions . Referring to Statistics Canada are approximately 14% of smokers in Canada , this means that the vast majority of these (75%) want to stop . Again, much easier to want to achieve.

4 . Lifestyle

  These patterns occur in different ways. Whether it be more orderly, disciplined, more punctual , less hurry, get up earlier , go to bed later least , all these wishes expressed by respondents are bad habits that we would get rid of. This will improve their lifestyle decreases with age , but increases with the level of education of respondents.

5 . The general attitude

  A significant amount of respondents would display a more zen coolest attitude , that is to say just easier , reduce their anxiety and stress , show more empathy and better to live with yourself. This commitment is further felt by younger men and then no respondent reported revenues of more than $ 80,000 has mentioned this desire . The power of money would he far? I doubt it.
However, a trend is clearly discernible . Respondents who mentioned bad habits related to their attitude , their character or personality show a using 5 to 7 percentage points lower than the average IRB .
Also, by combining all these respondents ( positions 5, 10 and 11) , it is a total 13% of respondents want to improve an aspect of their personality.


 It is difficult to conduct analyzes segmented for other bad habits, because the number of respondents is sometimes too low , but some links seem obvious. as follows:
- Lone individuals are significantly more likely (14%) want to reduce their procrastination and laziness.
- Persons 45 years and over ( 9 %) and men ( 7 %) are more likely to want to reduce their alcohol consumption.
- Youth and students are more likely to want to spend less time on the internet.
- The desire to stop smoking is much more noticeable in rural areas ( 15%) and urban ( 9%).
- Unique children ( 22%) are by far the best group wishing to break their sedentary moving more.

There are far worse than bad habits !

  2010 ends , 2011 approaches . With bad habits also come resolutions . But does it have something to change and improve . The latest survey by the IRB tells us that 13 % of respondents believe that they have no bad habits to eliminate. These beings almost perfect, more men than women elsewhere ( 16 % vs 11%), not yet displayed an average of 80.50 IRB , three points above the provincial average.

 The vast majority ( 68%) admit to having one or two bad habits that they would like to see disappear from their lives. The IRB of these people is almost the same as those considered not to have a bad habit to change. Like what bad habits are not unspeakable evils that deeply rotten life, but rather inclinations, behaviors that could be improved.

  But attention. It is much better not to accumulate these bad habits. Thus, 18% of respondents who say they have several of these bad habits (more than 2 ) have an average IRB 70.00 , 10 points lower than that of people without bad habit to change, according to them of course ( 70.00 vs 80.50 ) .

But there is a catch

  The next data help us against better understand why it is proving so difficult to get rid of our bad habits . It's simple, people have no plan, no method. Thus, the majority of respondents (53%) say they have no precise and determined approach to modify or eliminate this or these bad habits. Even magical thinking , easy approach.

  This time , women are more methodical , 45% of them claiming to have a plan to eliminate their bad habits against only 36% for men. And happiness , not surprisingly, sided with methodical , average IRB of these people is three higher than that drafts and dreamers points.


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