Thursday, March 13, 2014

  Clementine is a fruit of winter season ideal to fight against fatigue and cold, as particularly rich in vitamin C , minerals and trace elements. It strengthens the resistance of the blood vessels . With 40 calories per 100 grams , clementines help keep a healthy and balanced diet , while frosts sometimes cause cravings sugar and fat.

  Clementines are a little less larger than mandarins and recognizable by their orange color , slightly green at the end. This color should not worry consumers , quite the contrary. It does not indicate that the clementine is not mature and is proof that the fruit did not stay in a cold room .

  Throughout the season ( from November to February) , clementines are gradually moving towards an orange-red . The slightly acidic flesh clementines suitable for all organizations , even the most fragile . After purchase, clementines keep several days at room temperature, or one to two weeks in the crisper of the refrigerator.

  Moreover, a good diet helps face the winter without a cold or bronchitis. To do this , we must focus on seafood , red meat and full for their zinc content grain. Spinach , watercress, walnuts, brie are also rich in vitamin B9 . Citrus , parsley , kiwi fruit or raw peppers also allow to store vitamin C.

Tips For Health
vitamin C
Winter Fruits
Fight Against Fatigue And Cold
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