Friday, April 25, 2014

  A Swedish study found that girls who attended dance classes for eight months to feel better after this program. The benefit is maintained for one year.

  Anna Duberg , dance teacher and therapist , was convinced that the dance reinforces positive thoughts and self-confidence . It sought to measure with girls destabilized by their transition to adolescence . His study , published in the journal Archives Of Pediatrics Adolescent Medicine , shows that dancing reduces the feeling of discomfort and frequent stress at this critical age.

  The research was conducted over three years from 112 girls aged 13-18 years. Recruited by the nurse, these adolescents had in common to express their existential malaise by recurrent psychosomatic disorders . So they felt headaches , backaches, stomach and belly, or a feeling of fatigue, anxiety or depression, very regularly.

free choreographies

  Half the group was included in the dance program , while the other served as a control group. The contemporary dance classes , African or modern jazz , held twice a week for eight months. These girls have followed the same ritual every week : 15 minutes warm-up , 40 minutes of dancing and stretching, massage and relaxation. Each session included a moment of self-expression, in which teenagers could imagine choreography .

  " The goal was to provide an opportunity for the girls to experience their bodies in a positive way . " ANNA Duberg PROFESSOR OF DANCE AT THE ORIGIN OF THE STUDY

  Regularly, 112 volunteers were asked a long questionnaire measuring their personal assessment of their health status. After eight months , the score was improved adolescent participating in dance program compared to the control group. A persistent positive effect one year after the end of the training . After eight months , 91% of dancers qualifiaient also " positive experience " their participation in this program. The turnout was good.

  " Physical activity has been seen as a time of fun and relaxation , without the pressure of school, and an opportunity to make new friends ," write the authors of the study , researchers at the University of Örebro . According to them , dancing is a way to prevent , but also treat the blues or depression teen.


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