Tuesday, May 27, 2014

6 Tips to Become a Super Dad
6 Tips to Become a Super Dad 

  In a few months , you'll become a father ... and you feel a bit helpless ? Do not panic : you book the best advice for before and after the baby is born !

1. Notice the big day.

   Namely the (theoretical ) date of birth of your child. Sign into your smartphone, or better , create an alert every month to follow the countdown . Just to show that you have mastered the subject on the fingertips when all your friends will ask : "So, this is when? " .

2 . Be present throughout pregnancy.

  Especially if you become dad sounds a bit abstract. Do not zap scans : it is the only time you will see your baby before birth ! Are also present with your wife to relieve minor problems related to pregnancy ( backache , cramps, heartburn ... ) .

3 . Participate in preparation for birth.

  More dads attend preparations "classic" motherhood : you will not be alone. You want a preparation that involves you more ? Choose haptonomy , a method based on communication through touch between parents and baby. An ideal way to prepare to become a father , gently.

4. Do not zap the day! 

  This is a unique moment not to be missed . If the medical side anguish you, know that everything is done for you household . And you can leave at any time of the operations room if you wish .

5.Arrange your work schedule . 

  The first few days (but also the early years ) , it is important to be present more often at home , to see your baby grow .

6 . Revise the " manuals " Baby on the Internet.

  Nothing like the video to review the basics like changing diapers , bathing or preparing a bottle . There is no shame to have forgotten a few things.


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