Thinness: limiting the calories in the Japanese restaurant?
Tagged : Thinness limiting the calories in the Japanese restaurant, Thinness, limiting the calories, in the Japanese restaurant.
One gets the impression that they are light, but that is just the opposite. On average, 6 sushi worth 300 Kcal, or the value of a complete light meal (Discover all of our ideas), a chocolate bread or a croissant. And usually when we go to Japanese restaurant, one does not simply miserable 6 maki!
Some pointers:
6 california rolls tuna (vinegared rice lawyer + + + raw tuna sesame seeds) = 250 kcal (at about 45 Kcal per sushi)
1 squid sushi (vinegared rice squid +) = 1 surimi sushi (vinegared rice + surimi) = 1 shrimp sushi (vinegared rice + shrimp) = 40 Kcal
6 cucumber maki (rice + seaweed vinegared cucumber +) = 85 Kcal
6 salmon maki (vinegared rice + seaweed + salmon) = 6 tuna maki (vinegared rice + seaweed) = 130 Kcal
5 salmon sashimi (just the raw salmon) = 5 tuna sashimi (just the raw tuna) = 140 Kcal
5 bream sashimi (just raw sea bream) = 80 Kcal
1 chirashi (rice vinegar + + raw fish sesame seed) = 200 Kcal
1 yakitori (skewers) beef cheese = 1 = 1 tuna yakitori yakitori salmon = 170 Kcal
And accompaniments ...
1 miso soup (miso paste fish broth + + + wakame tofu seasoning +) = 40 Kcal
1 small bowl of rice vinegar = 120 Kcal
1 c. in s. soy sauce = 1 serving of ginger about 10 Kcal =
1 small bowl of coleslaw = 85 Kcal
Limit fatty fish and rice
As is clear: these are not accompaniments that will swell the calorie bill. What to watch, it is rather the vinegared rice: small bowl costs 185 kcal or 70 kcal more than a small bowl of white rice, steamed. We (try!) So avoid chirashis are preferred sashimi sushi, maki to california rolls.
Moreover, fatty fish is limited: are preferred dishes bream, squid or shrimp.
Examples ?
The "all salmon" menu: miso soup 1 + 1 small bowl of coleslaw salmon sushi + 2 + 5 + salmon sashimi soy sauce (sweet or savory) = 355 kcal.
The "I love lemurs" menu: miso soup 1 + 1 small bowl of coleslaw + 6 + 6 maki cucumber maki tuna + soy sauce (sweet or savory) = 340 Kcal
The "California" menu: miso soup 1 + 1 small bowl of coleslaw + 6 california rolls tuna sashimi sea bream + 5 + soy sauce (sweet or savory) = 380 Kcal
The "I love sashimi" menu: miso soup 1 + 5 salmon sashimi (or tuna) sashimi sea bream + 5 + 1 small bowl of rice + vinegared soy sauce (sweet or savory) = 380 Kcal
A dietary meals (though)
We saw: a sushi meal can easily exceed 800 calories, if we are not careful ... almost as much as a fast food! Yet Japanese cuisine brings a lot of good nutrients that are good for our health:
Silhouette hand, wakame (seaweed used in maki particular) is a natural appetite suppressant, like the vinegared rice: if the first contains soluble fiber, the second contains complex carbohydrates, and both are long to digest, which pushes hunger and limit snacking. In addition, ginger is a thermogenic food, which means it raises the body temperature and boosts metabolism: it allows us to burn more calories at rest. Malin!
Health wise, raw fish is an excellent source of "good" fats (omega 3, 6 and 9), which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Seaweed is rich in trace elements that promote the proper functioning of the endocrine system. Finally, the wazabi contains vitamin C, essential to the organism.
Tagged : Thinness limiting the calories in the Japanese restaurant, Thinness, limiting the calories, in the Japanese restaurant.
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