Saturday, September 5, 2015

What outdoor shower for my garden?

What outdoor shower for my garden?  This is the accessory that goes up as the temperature goes up too ... And the heat wave, we dream of a small shower to cool, to out of the pool or simply in the garden. From 300 euros at Casto and up nearly 3 000 in the specialist outdoor Laorus, discover our slideshow of our favorite models. And follow our advice not to go in peace.

How to install a shower?

What outdoor shower for my garden?  The shower must be connected to a water inlet. The hose is the most simple solution, if you like cold water if the ideal is to be connected to the hot water system of the house. Solar models, the water contained in the tank, equipped with sensors, is heated by the sunlight. But the capacity is limited and attention to puddles, connect to the sewage especially if you use soaps and other products.

Where to install a shower?

  Cool on the outside without having to reach the house, what fun. It is best to install it close interior access or pool, for comfort and keep them clean feet. It must also ensure the tranquility and privacy of the place. Soignre its look and think about its place in the landscape. Install it on a grating, a platform, or a slab and plan a path to dry, not Japanese style if it is in the grass.

  A selection made by Marie-Sylvia Vines for our expert Deco Prima House. Dos square, glossy paper, over the 130 pages of this luxurious interior design magazine, dive into an atmosphere of excellence, chic yet practical, inspiring and entertaining. 3.90 euros at your newsagent.

Tagged: What outdoor shower for my garden,What outdoor, shower for my garden.


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