Volleyball, the least risky in terms of sports injuries according to a study
Norwegian researchers have compiled the data of 4 years international competitions and reveal that relatively few players get injured. Full results appear in the September issue of the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Tagged : Volleyball, the least risky in terms of sports injuries according to a study, Volleyball, the least risky, in terms of sports, injuries according, to a study, The ankle remains the most affected.

Last July 19, the volleyball team won the France first world title in its history by winning three sets to zero against Serbia. A result that should, according to the French Federation of Volleyball (FFVB), boost enrollment in clubs in September.
And if there was more to convince fans to practice within a federation, a team of Norwegian researchers found that volleyball would be one of the safest sports on the risk of injury.
"The purpose of this study was to describe the risk and type of injuries among world class players according to data from the Injury Surveillance System (ISS) of the Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) for all FIVB major events (juniors and seniors, men and women), "explain the study authors, led by Professor Roald Bahr of the research center" Oslo Sports Trauma "from the" Norwegian School of Sports Sciences ", to Oslo (Norway).
To recap, the Injury Surveillance System (ISS) was established in 2010 to provide information about the rate and nature of injuries of all FIVB Competitions (World Championships, World Cup, Grand Prix World, World League and Olympic Games).
The present study examined all the data gathered by the ISS between September 2010 and November 2014, those 44 major competitions.
The ankle remains the most affected
The findings, to be published in the September issue of the "British Journal of Sports Medicine," show that the loss of time due to the match being injury was 3.8 hours to 1000 hours played, which remains a low when compared to other sports. "The rate was higher for older players than for juniors. In contrast, there was no difference between men and women", say the scientists.
In detail, they have shown that in all groups, regardless of age and sex, the ankle was the part of the body most commonly injured (25.9%), followed by the knee ( 15.2%), the fingers (10.7%) and lower back (8.9%).
In addition, the incidence of injury was greater for central players (those who attack) and lower for liberos (those that receive services) compared to the other player positions.
"Volleyball is a very safe sport, even at the highest level of play. Preventive measures should focus on acute ankle sprains and fingers, and the overuse injuries in the knee, bottom back and shoulder, "the authors conclude.
Tagged : Volleyball, the least risky in terms of sports injuries according to a study, Volleyball, the least risky, in terms of sports, injuries according, to a study, The ankle remains the most affected.
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