Baby: what will be the color of his eyes?

At birth, most children have blue gray eyes because the surface layer of the iris (the colored part of the eye) still lacks melanin. The result is the deepest layer of the iris, blue gray color, which is see-through ... Over time, melanin and other pigments, the lupofuscine, eventually invade the entire iris and give it its true color. Melanin concentration is responsible for the color (brown, blue) and intensity (eg, eyes or dark blue light blue) while lupofuscine rather affects the color (eg eyes greenish rather than blue ). In general, the changes start around the age of three months. It should reach 6-9 months to be sure of the final color, sometimes more (up to 18 months to be certain that his eyes will stay blue).
Except for a case (you and your companion have blue eyes), hard to know in advance what color are the eyes of your baby. This is determined by your genes, those of his father but also his grandparents ... All matter is dominant or recessive allele (an allele is one version of a gene). Thus, the allele "brown eyes" is dominant over the allele "blue eyes". In other words, if both alleles are present (one inherited from the mother and one from the father), the child will necessarily have brown eyes but he will remain holder of the allele "blue eyes" it will eventually pass on to her own children. Baby will of course also brown eyes it has two alleles "brown eyes" ... By cons, to have blue eyes, it is imperative inherit two alleles "blue eyes", which is much rarer! To simplify, if you and your partner both have blue eyes, your baby will also have blue eyes. However, you can also have a child with blue eyes even if you have both brown eyes! Simply you are both carriers of the allele "blue eyes", inherited from your own parents without necessarily knowing it ...
Tagged : Baby, what will be the color, of his eyes ,Baby what will be the color of his eyes.
Baby: why the color of her eyes she changing?

Can we know in advance the color of his eyes?

Tagged : Baby, what will be the color, of his eyes ,Baby what will be the color of his eyes.
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