Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Top 5 exercises to firm your thighs

Top 5 exercises to firm your thighs
  You want to firm your thighs to be able to wear nice shorts, dresses and skirts? Want to feel good about yourself? Discover five effective exercises!

  All women dream to have beautiful tanned and well muscled legs to feel good about yourself. Able to wear whatever we want without having to worry about the orange peel or too soft thighs. To obtain such a result, we must do exercises at least twice a week. No need for hardware or gym, discover five exercises you can easily do at home to strengthen your thighs.

Here is an exercise that muscle very well your thighs while working your butt and melting your hips.
Stand upright with legs slightly apart. Your shoulders and your knees should be more or less the same height. Look ahead and go down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. When you go down, extend your arms while keeping the shoulders down. Very important, keep your back straight. Once you have reached the position expired and reassembled by relaxing the arm.

If you do not know how far you have to go down, place a chair behind you. When your buttocks touch the chair, you came to the right height. Perform three sets of 20-30 squats (depending on your skills).

Need more details on performing squats? Gojimag suggest you read "Learning to perform a squat."

The leg up
Support yourself against a wall or a chair and place your weight on the leg that is on the same side of the wall. Do not lock your knee, it should be taut but supple. Then lift the other leg to 45 ° with the foot flexed (raised edge). After arriving in position, bend your knee to your foot goes to your buttocks. Stretch your leg again and place it in its original position. Perform three sets of 20 to 30 leg removed.

This exercise allows you to beef up your buttocks and back of your thighs while refining your size.

The inner thighs
It is an area of ​​the thighs that we forget easily, but it is also the muscle. For this exercise, spread your legs and place the balls of your feet outward. When you go down and bend your knees, they must follow the axis of your feet peaks. Remember to keep your back straight. When you get off, place your arms belly thighs. When you go back, raise your arms to heaven. This allows you to strengthen your arms along your legs.

After this movement 20-30 times. Go down one last time and keep it down for 30 seconds. Perform three sets of this exercise two to three times per week.

Keep a gap between your feet. The purpose of this exercise and put knee strikes in a vacuum. For this, slightly bend your knee on which you take support and lift the other knee toward your opposite shoulder. If you hit the right knee, point it toward the left shoulder. Make this movement 20-30 times before moving to the other knee. Perform three sets. This exercise will beef up the entirety of your thighs, your buttocks and your abdominal belt.

The slots
Facing the mirror, place your hands on your hips. Take a big step forward, keeping your head and your back straight. The back knee towards the floor (10 cm above the ground). Then return to your original position. Perform 20-30 slots and repeat the series three times on each side. You musclez your thighs and buttocks.

Important: Do not forget to warm up before starting the exercises to avoid injury. It is also necessary to stretch at the end of your workout to avoid muscle soreness.

With these exercises, you will get the legs you've always dreamed of!

Tagged : Top 5 exercises to firm your thighs, Top 5 exercises, to firm, your thighs, Squats, The leg up, The inner thighs, Kicks, The slots, 


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